Master Index by Last Name R - S
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Name(s) Year Township Index Volume
R | |||
Raleigh, John | 1884 | Castle | Vol 7 Part B |
Ranstrom, Anders | 1882 | McPherson | Vol 8 Part B |
Rariden, Mortimer Delmar | 1871 | Groveland | Vol 4 Part B |
Rasmusson, Rasmus (see Rasmus Haugsted) | |||
Reese, Sanford | 1866 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 1 Part B |
Regier, Abraham (Rev) & Elizabeth | 1874 | Mound | Vol 6 Part B |
Register, Lyman Benjamin | 1874 | Castle | Vol 1 Part B |
Reichert, Bernhard | 1871 | King City | Vol 1 Part B |
Renius, Andrew Peter & Matilda | 1869 | Marquette | Vol 7 Part B |
Reusser, Lena | 1877 | Mound | Vol 7 Part B |
Richert, Heinrich | 1874 | Meridian | Vol 4 Part B |
Riddell, Calvin DeWitt | 1873 | Jackson | Vol 2 Part B |
Ring, Joseph Henry | 1883 | Vol 4 Part B | |
Ringwald, August | 1877 | Smoky Hill | Vol 7 Part B |
Robertson, Henry F | 1890 | Superior | Vol 6 Part B |
Robertson, James B | 1879 | Empire | Vol 5 Part B |
Robinson, George Abbott | 1878 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 2 Part B |
Rodell, John P | 1869 | Union | Vol 1 Part B |
Rolander, Johan Oscar | 1974 | New Gottland | Vol 2 Part B |
Roseberg, Nels August | 1873 | Delmore | Vol 6 Part B |
Rosine, Carl Fredrick | 1876 | Smoky Hill | Vol 6 Part B |
Ross, Otto Wilhelm | 1884 | McPherson | Vol 7 Part B |
Rossander, Per | 1876 | Smoky Hill | Vol 4 Part B |
Runbeck, Olaf Bengt | 1870 | Smoky Hill | Vol 7 Part B |
Rundquist, Andrew G | 1873 | McPherson | Vol 4 Part B |
Rupp, Jacob | 1874 | Mound | Vol 5 Part B |
Rupp, John | 1875 | Mound | Vol 7 Part B |
Rupp, John J | 1878 | Mound | Vol 3 Part B |
Rusk, William Henry | 1888 | New Gottland | Vol 6 Part B |
Russ, Amariah C | 1880 | South Sharp’s Creek | Vol 5 Part B |
Russel, John H | 1875 | Empire | Vol 2 Part B |
Russel, John Hutchinson | 1875 | Empire | Vol 7 Part B |
Russel, Robert B | 1875 | Empire | Vol 2 Part B |
Russell, Clarence L | 1879 | Empire | Vol 3 Part B |
Ryno, Arthur B | 1874 | Battle Hill | Vol 9 |
S | |||
Sackett, Asa Franklin | 1890 | Groveland | Vol 9 |
Sallman, Peter Johan | 1886 | McPherson | Vol 4 Part B |
Samuelson, Maria Juliana (See Maria Juliana Lundquist) | |||
Samuelson, Per Alfred | 1883 | Delmore | Vol 4 Part B |
Sand, Nels Jon Victor | 1877 | McPherson | Vol 1 Part B |
Sandahl, Anton | 1891 | Harper | Vol 6 Part B |
Sandberg, Elias | 1874 | Marquette | Vol 6 Part B |
Sannquist, P M (Rev) | 1878 | New Gottland | Vol 3 Part B |
Saylor, George Joseph | 1889 | McPherson | Vol 8 Part B |
Schafer, Aaron A | 1875 | Harper | Vol 4 Part B |
Schafer, John | 1876 | Harper | Vol 4 Part B |
Schlatter, Christian | 1873 | Hayes | Vol 5 Part B |
Schlatter, Henry | 1873 | Hayes | Vol 2 Part B |
Schlatter, Jacob K | 1873 | Hayes | Vol 2 Part B |
Schletzbaum, Johann jr | 1888 | Superior | Vol 9 |
Schlight, August | 1886 | Spring Valley | Vol 5 Part B |
Schmidt, Heinrich P | 1874 | Turkey Creek | Vol 5 Part B |
Schrag, Daniel | 1874 | Mound | Vol 2 Part B |
Schrag, Jacob | 1874 | Mound | Vol 7 Part B |
Schrag, Johann G & Anna | 1882 | King City | Vol 6 Part B |
Schroeder, Heinrich | 1874 | Spring Valley | Vol 2 Part B |
Schultz, Abraham D | 1875 | Lone Tree | Vol 2 Part B |
Schulz, August | 1882 | Battle Hill | Vol 9 |
Scott, Job W | 1876 | Superior | Vol 5 Part B |
Scott, John | 1884 | Empire | Vol 6 Part B |
Seidel, Wilhelm | 1886 | Lone Tree | Vol 7 Part B |
Seleen, Johan (Dr) | 1876 | Union | Vol 2 Part B |
Sellberg, Carl August | 1869 | McPherson | Vol 2 Part B |
Sellberg, John Peter | 1873 | McPherson | Vol 1 Part B |
Sellberg, John Peter | 1873 | McPherson | Vol 2 Part B |
Sellberg, Jonas Peter | 1881 | Harper | Vol 5 Part B |
Sellberg, Nels Oscar | 1873 | McPherson | Vol 5 Part B |
Sellers, Samuel | 1885 | McPherson | Vol 4 Part B |
Selzer, Henry | 1884 | Spring Valley | Vol 2 Part B |
Serviss, Edward Miles | 1886 | Castle | Vol 7 Part B |
Severtson, Severt | 1874 | Delmore | Vol 7 Part B |
Sheffer, Charles Joseph | 1879 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 3 Part B |
Shelley, Ambrose jr | 1871 | McPherson | Vol 6 Part B |
Shelley, George Wilson | 1871 | McPherson | Vol 1 Part B |
Shelton, Jesse V | 1880 | Bonaville | Vol 3 Part B |
Shields, George Washington | 1866 | Smoky Hill | Vol 2 Part B |
Simpson, Anna (see Anna Hartup) | |||
Simpson, Benjamin | 1875 | Spring Valley | Vol 2 Part B |
Simpson, James Monroe | 1870 | Spring Valley | Vol 3 Part B |
Sinclair, William | 1873 | Spring Valley | Vol 2 Part B |
Sitts, James | 1872 | Groveland | Vol 1 Part B |
Sitts, John W | 1872 | Groveland | Vol 1 Part B |
Sjogren, Anders Ersson & Elizabeth | 1869 | Marquette | Vol 3 Part B |
Sjogren, Eric | 1869 | South Sharp’s Creek | Vol 2 Part B |
Slabach, John | 1878 | Hayes | Vol 2 Part B |
Sloop, Jacob | 1874 | Canton | Vol 4 Part B |
Sloop, Samuel | 1872 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 4 Part B |
Slosson, Herbert Lewis | 1872 | McPherson | Vol 1 Part B |
Smith, Charles Houseman | 1874 | Canton | Vol 7 Part B |
Smith, Eleanor | 1877 | Turkey Creek | Vol 9 |
Smith, John N & Amanda | 1884 | McPherson | Vol 6 Part B |
Sohlberg, Anders Gustaf | 1880 | McPherson | Vol 3 Part B |
Sohlberg, Anders Gustaf | 1880 | McPherson | Vol 7 Part B |
Sommerfeld, Heinrich | 1884 | Canton | Vol 2 Part B |
Spencer, Alvin Augustus | 1874 | Groveland | Vol 6 Part B |
Sperling, Peter | 1884 | Turkey Creek | Vol 4 Part B |
Spiller, John sr | 1870 | Jackson | Vol 8 Part B |
Spilman, Alexander Carraway | 1870 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 1 Part B |
Spilman, Alexander Carraway | 1871 | Gypsum Creek | Vol 3 Part B |
Spittler, Joe | 1870 | South Sharp’s Creek | Vol 2 Part B |
Spongberg, Nicholas | 1866 | Smoky Hill | Vol 1 Part B |
Stansel, Jacob Henry | 1875 | Superior | Vol 2 Part B |
Starks, B | 1880 | Delmore | Vol 3 Part B |
Stephens, David | 1866 | Union | Vol 5 Part B |
Stephens, Solomon | 1866 | Union | Vol 5 Part B |
Stockham, George Washington | 1873 | Jackson | Vol 7 Part B |
Stockham, John Cornelius | 1873 | Jackson | Vol 2 Part B |
Stowe, Ebenezer G | 1873 | Hayes | Vol 2 Part B |
Straka, Martin | 1893 | Jackson | Vol 7 Part B |
Strausz, Jacob | 1874 | Mound | Vol 2 Part B |
Strom, Alexander | 1872 | New Gottland | Vol 1 Part B |
Stromquist, C J | 1870 | Union | Vol 1 Part B |
Stromquist, John Peter | 1868 | Union | Vol 1 Part B |
Stromquist, Otto Alfred | 1871 | McPherson | Vol 4 Part B |
Stucky, Benjamin R | 1886 | Mound | Vol 5 Part B |
Stucky, Jacob (Rev) | 1874 | Mound | Vol 7 Part B |
Stucky, Jacob L | 1874 | Turkey Creek | Vol 5 Part B |
Stucky, Johann | 1874 | Turkey Creek | Vol 7 Part B |
Stucky, John J (Rev) | 1874 | Mound | Vol 4 Part B |
Stucky, Peter (Rev) | 1874 | Turkey Creek | Vol 7 Part B |
Stucky, Peter C | 1874 | Turkey Creek | Vol 7 Part B |
Stucky, Tobias | 1874 | Mound | Vol 7 Part B |
Suenram, Carl | 1903 | Turkey Creek | Vol 5 Part B |
Sundahl, Carl Johan | 1882 | McPherson | Vol 4 Part B |
Sundberg, Anders Daniel | 1887 | Union | Vol 4 Part B |
Sundberg, Andrew Daniel | 1880 | Union | Vol 9 |
Sundgren, Carl Johan | 1869 | Union | Vol 5 Part B |
Sundquist, John | 1868 | Union | Vol 2 Part B |
Sundstrom, J O | 1869 | Smoky Hill | Vol 3 Part B |
Swander, Edward D | 1873 | Lone Tree | Vol 1 Part B |
Swander, William Jefferson | 1883 | McPherson | Vol 1 Part B |
Swanson, J A | 1879 | McPherson | Vol 3 Part B |
Swanson, Johannes | 1876 | Delmore | Vol 2 Part B |
Swanson, John Alfred & Matilda | 1881 | Marquette | Vol 3 Part B |
Swanson, Peter | 1870 | Smoky Hill | Vol 1 Part B |
Swanson, Swan J & Louisa | 1883 | Hayes | Vol 4 Part B |
Swanstrom, Anders | 1869 | Union | Vol 1 Part B |
Sward, Kajsa Lena | 1870 | Union | Vol 8 Part B |
Sward, Swan August | 1869 | Union | Vol 7 Part B |
Swenson, Carl Victor | 1880 | Harper | Vol 1 Part B |
Swenson, Gustaf | 1868 | Smoky Hill | Vol 3 Part B |
Swenson, Gustav | 1868 | Smoky Hill | Vol 9 |
Swenson, John Wilhelm | Union | Vol 4 Part B | |
Swenson, Lars Johan | 1880 | Marquette | Vol 8 Part B |
Swenson, Sven J | 1870 | Union | Vol 8 Part B |
Swenson, Swen Johan | 1868 | Union | Vol 1 Part B |
Swensson, Carl Aaron | 1879 | Smoky Hill | Vol 3 Part B |
Swick, John P | 1874 | New Gottland | Vol 1 Part B |