TASK, the Teen Advisory Squad of Kansas, is an advisory group of teens in grades 6-12, who meet regularly with the Youth Services staff to discuss books, to plan and promote library programs, to give input on library issues related to teens, and to assist in selecting materials to purchase for the library.

TASK does require a year-round commitment, but the time commitment varies based on each teen.


How to join

New members will be accepted into TASK at any time based on their application. Criteria for selection include:

Membership is renewable for the duration of a student’s middle and high school years. This will provide consistency and continuity and allows the group to develop as a team.

Why join?

Members of TASK help shape the Teen Department. This department is the vision of your fellow teens and it is the library’s goal to keep it that way. TASK members will earn community service hours through their work and have the chance to design and lead library programs.  In addition, participation in TASK looks wonderful on college applications.

What are TASK expectations?


New committees will be formed as needs arise.